Recyclability of paper & board based packaging

11.03.2025 - 12.03.2025
Online course
250311 WS REC
780,00 €




The workshop gives the opportunity to get a closer look at different main aspects of recycling and recovered paper, listed below.

Main Focus

Regulations and politics in Europe

  • Legislation and regulations for packaging waste and paper for recycling (e.g. EN 643)
  • Relevant stakeholders/associations and their current activities in Europe
  • Certification and labels for recyclability and other EOL options

Recycling infrastructure for paper and board based packaging

  • End-of-life (EOL) options for paper and board based packaging – collection, sorting, recovery options and disposal

Technical aspects of recycling

  • Rejects from recycling in a paper mill – types, characteristics, current and future utilization options
  • Recycling technologies for preparation and processing of paper & board based – packaging State of the art, special technologies
  • Test methods for recyclability – paper and board based packaging (incl. virtual lab tour)

Packaging Design

  • Paper and board based packaging – materials, packaging types, packaging aids
  • Design parameters for recyclability

Who is this event for?

Group of participants

The workshop is designed for engineers and technical staff from paper-/ board-/ tissue-producing or converting companies, quality control managers, product developers, business development-, marketing- and legal affairs managers working in the field of recovered paper, sustainability or similar.

Participation in the seminar also includes a consultation for individual topics. During the events you have the possibility to book times.

PTS Experts

More Trainings

  • Prüfung von Papier, Karton, Wellpappe und Verpackungen

    Dieser Grundkurs bietet eine Darstellung der Materialkunde und des Prüfwesens für die Papiererzeugung und -verarbeitung, beginnend mit Fragen der Klassifizierung von Werkstoffen, den Möglichkeiten der Erkennung von Faserstoffen bis hin zur Durchführung der unterschiedlichsten Papierprüfverfahren. 

  • Auswahl und Bewertung von Altpapier

    Sie erlernen in diesem Lehrgang sowohl Kenntnisse zu den Altpapierqualitäten und den darin enthaltenen typischen Papierprodukten sowie deren Herkunft als auch die Zusammenhänge zwischen Herkunft und dem qualitativen Potenzial der Altpapierqualitäten sowie zu erwartender Probleme in der Stoffaufbereitung.

  • Papierherstellung im Überblick

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Contact foto

Contact person

Ms. Celine Farr
Event manager