Forschungsvereinigung Papiertechnische Stiftung e.V. - Partner of the PTS from the paper and plastics processing industry

The Forschungsvereinigung Papiertechnische Stiftung e.V. (FPS) was founded on June 13, 1977. The purpose of the association is the material and non-material support and promotion of the non-profit Papiertechnische Stiftung. The FPS acts in close coordination with the German Association of Paper and Plastics Processing (HPV) e.V. (Homepage HPV), which is represented on the PTS Foundation Board.


Dr. Heinrich Spies, MAY + SPIES GmbH
Detlev Wessel, Wellpappenfabrik Sausenheim GmbH

1. Auditor:
Dr. Thorsten Arl, Hauptgeschäftsführer BPV

2. Auditor:
Jörg Lautenbach, Stellvertretender Hauptgeschäftsführer VPK Nord

Members of FPS

Contact foto

Contact person

Mr. Stefan Rössing
Managing Director of the German Association of Paper and Plastics Converters (HPV) e.V.