PTS - Institut für Fasern & Papier gGmbH

Fibre based solutions for the products of tomorrow.

We are the research and service institute of the German paper industry, supporting companies in the paper producing and processing sector as well as other sectors (e.g. energy, automotive, food) in the development and application of modern fibre-based solutions.

Our 60 years of experience in the industry and our interdisciplinary team of experts, including chemists, process engineers, paper engineers and mechanical engineers, make us a competent research and development partner for paper production and processing, as well as for innovative solutions based on the paper technology platform. We offer up-to-date and innovative know-how from research and development projects in combination with the necessary infrastructure, such as accredited laboratories, modern equipment and a pilot plant.

Research focuses on fibre based solutions.

Based on the PTS research focus areas, our experts develop innovative solutions, future topics and services for the industry in our four internal competence areas Functional Surfaces, Materials Testing & Analytics, Fibres & Composites and Smart & Circular Solutions with their research work in the four PTS business areas Testing Services, Industrial Solutions, Research and Events.

Supported by the PTS Donors' Associations.

The Papiertechnische Stiftung is supported by three founders and the member companies organised in it:

Find out more here!

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Contact person

Mr. Dr. Thorsten Voß
Managing Director